
Common Requirements for Adoption in Oklahoma

happy couple with adopted african-american boy sitting on couch at homeAdoption is a deeply personal journey, transforming the lives of both children and adults alike. In Oklahoma, it is a process paved with regulations and protocols to ensure the welfare of the child.

Oklahoma Adoption Overview

Adoption is a legal process by which an individual or a couple takes on the parental rights and responsibilities for a child who is not biologically their own, thereby permanently transferring all rights, duties, privileges, and responsibilities from the child’s original parents or legal guardians to the adoptive parents.

Once this process is finalized, the adopted child becomes a full and legal member of the adoptive family, often taking on the family’s surname and having the same legal rights as a biological child within that family.

Adoption in Oklahoma, like in many other states, is a structured process designed to ensure the best interests of the child. In Oklahoma, both public and private agencies handle adoptions. The state’s Department of Human Services (DHS) primarily deals with the adoption of children in state custody.

  • Eligibility: Prospective adoptive parents in Oklahoma must be at least 21 years old. Both singles and married couples can adopt. There’s no specific upper age limit.
  • Home Study: This is a mandatory process for many adoptive parents. It involves an evaluation of the home environment, financial stability, relationships, and other factors that might affect the child’s well-being.
  • Post-placement visits: After the child is placed in the home, a series of post-placement visits are conducted to ensure the child’s needs are being met and to provide support to the adoptive family.
  • Consent: In Oklahoma, children aged 12 and older must provide their consent for the adoption. Biological parents must also provide consent unless their rights have been terminated due to reasons like neglect or abandonment.
  • Waiting Period: After filing the petition for adoption, there’s typically a waiting period before the adoption is finalized. This allows the court to ensure all legal requirements are met.
  • Support and Resources: Oklahoma provides various resources to adoptive families, including training, support groups, and financial assistance for those adopting children with special needs or from the state’s foster care system.

The Initial Prerequisites

When considering adoption in Oklahoma City or any part of the state, it is paramount to understand the basic criteria set by the authorities:

  • Prospective adoptive parents must be at least 21 years old.
  • Both singles and married couples can adopt. However, if married, both partners must jointly agree to the adoption.
  • Prospective parents must be legal residents of Oklahoma.
  • The health of the potential adoptive parents should be such that they can provide a safe and loving environment for the child.

It’s also noteworthy to mention that Oklahoma particularly welcomes families who are open to adopting older children, sibling groups, or those with special needs.

Stepping Through the Procedure

The first step in the adoption process is to choose a qualified adoption attorney. They can help you understand the requirements and process involved.

Once you have chosen an adoption attorney, you will likely need to complete a home study. The home study is an assessment of your home and family to determine if you are a suitable adoptive placement. The home study worker will interview you and your family members, and they will visit your home.

Once the home study is complete, you will be able to start looking for a child to adopt. If you are adopting through an agency, they will match you with a child who is a good fit for your family. If you are adopting through a private placement, you will need to find a child on your own.

Once you have found a child to adopt, you will need to file a petition for adoption with the Oklahoma court system. The court will hold a hearing to determine if the adoption is in the best interests of the child. If the court approves the adoption, you will become the child’s legal parents.

Finding the Right Adoption Attorney

Embarking on the adoption journey in Oklahoma requires dedication, patience, and a thorough understanding of the state’s requirements. While the process might seem overwhelming, with informed decisions and the right guidance, it can lead to a rewarding familial bond.

Lisa R. Howard, P.L.L.C. is committed to aiding prospective parents through the complexities of Oklahoma adoption. Whether you’re considering general Oklahoma City adoptions, stepparent adoption, or any other form of adoption in the state, ensure you have the best representation to navigate the process effectively.

Your family’s future is precious. Make the most informed decisions in your adoption journey. Seek guidance. Reach out today for a consultation.

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Contact Lisa Today

Law Office of Lisa R. Howard PLLC
7 S. Mickey Mantle Drive, Ste. 385
Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 12428
Oklahoma City, OK 73157

Phone: (405) 943-2500
Mobile: (405) 249-3080

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